Riffle Bullet Board--Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel
Riffle Bullet Board--Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel

Rifle Bullet Board

Regular priceDhs. 1,021.00

SKU : 41-6454

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These cartridges are handsomely displayed on a black background with solid knotty alder wood frame stained in a rich walnut finish, behind glass. The distinct beauty of the knotty alder with varying sizes of knots, cracks, & grain texture guarantee each display has its own unique character & beauty. Being a durable & sustainable source of lumber coupled with its beauty makes this a prized choice to complement & showcase your cartridge collection.

Only the highest quality materials are used in each display. Cartridges are polished and have a clear coat finish to help keep a long-lasting luster and are uniquely displayed with head stamp like labels.

Pre-Order for drop shipment. Please allow two weeks to shipment. 

18 3/4″H x 20″W


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