Browning Windkill Jacket-Men's Clothing-Auric-S-Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel
Browning Windkill Jacket-Men's Clothing-Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel
Browning High Pile Hooded Jacket-Hunting/Outdoors-Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel

Browning Windkill Jacket

Regular price R 3,901.00 Sale priceR 2,341.00

SKU : 17-6986

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Not every hunt is dramatic when it comes to the weather. Still, days in late fall can be cold enough need a warm jacket. Fire up the long tail and take a boat ride and you definitely need a little more protection. It's here where the Wicked Wing Windkill Jacket really delivers.

The tough 3-Layer fabric features a sturdy outer face, a windproof Windkill middle layer, and a warm fleece inner layer that traps heat for superior warmth. The high collar, adjustable hood and wrist cuffs prevent drafts. If the temperature rises, zippered pit zips make cooling off easy.

Fleece lined handwarmer pockets are located both at the hips and chest. A pair of cargo pockets on the chest keep valuable near at hand. The color blocking style looks great and puts the camo where it matters when you're wearing chest waders.

  • 3L polyester fleece with durable outer face
  • Highly wind- and water-resistant DWR coating
  • SILVADUR™ technology provides long-lasting odor control
  • Zippered chest and hand pockets
  • Fleece-lined handwarmer pockets
  • 3-point adjustable hood
  • Pit ventilation with two-way pull zippers
  • Hook and loop cuff closures


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