Rave Review of Kevin’s Washable Wax Jacket!
"Finding myself nearly to the point where discomfort becomes despair, I learned about Kevin’s 4 oz. Washable Wax Jacket, just in time for the 2023 bird season. I basically overheat as I slog through the woods while upland bird hunting, one of the reasons the heavy canvas, flannel-lined jackets just don’t work for me as protection against thorns and briars. Neither have 6 oz. canvas shirts worked. Just too heavy. But I need protection from the stickers. Not only is this jacket stylish and sharp enough to wear for casual, everyday use but it also performed exactly as I had hoped it would in the grouse woods of Minnesota and Michigan as well as the thorn-thick coverts in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts. On cold days, I wore it over a regular hunting shirt; other people might prefer adding layers for additional heat. On the warmer days, I wore only a perspiration-wicking t-shirt beneath the jacket. No matter the temperatures, the jacket repelled thorns, briars, and other vegetation with mischief on its mind. It’s rare that a product performs so admirably, approaching perfection. Kevin’s Washable Wax Jacket is one of those rare birds."
-Tom Carney, Editor of Upland Almanac